Publication Date: 17/03/2020 ISBN: 9780262043557 Category:

Coding Democracy

Maureen Webb, Cory Doctorow

Publisher: MIT Press Ltd
Publication Date: 17/03/2020 ISBN: 9780262043557 Category:


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Publisher Review

'Coding Democracy' is a thorough, well-written work of scholarship that should be seen as a welcome addition to a growing body of work about the relationship between computing, society and government. A lawyer, Webb is able to weave the hacker narrative into various strands of thought relating to political science, history, legislation, law enforcement, regulations, civil law, politics and ethics. -Journal of Cyber Policy She's building a powerful case for the fact that technology as we know it-omnipresent, flawed, world-improving-has become so entrenched and static that it really does need the hackers worrying the edges of its firewalls. In Webb's telling, hackers aren't heroes destined to bring the world to a grand new order of their own transgressive imaginings. They're agents of positive chaos. -Wired Coders seeking to do good in the world will find much inspiration here. -Kirkus Reviews

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