Publication Date: 17/05/2004 ISBN: 9780671213329 Category:

Art Of Dramatic Writing

Lajos Egri

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: 17/05/2004 ISBN: 9780671213329 Category:
Paperback / Softback


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Lajos Egri examines a play from the inside out, starting with the heart of any drama: its characters. For it is people – their private natures and their inter-relationships – that move a story and give it life. All good dramatic writing depends upon an understanding of human motives. Why do people act as they do? What forces transform a coward into a hero, a hero into a coward? What is it that Romeo does early in Shakespeare’s play that makes his later suicide seem inevitable? Why must Nora leave her husband at the end of A Doll’s House? These are a few of the fascinating problems which Egri analyzes. He shows how it is essential for the author to have a basic premise – a thesis, demonstrated in terms of human behaviour – and to develop his dramatic conflict on the basis of that behaviour. Premise, character, conflict: this is Egri’s ABC. His book is a direct, jargon-free approach to the problem of achieving truth in a literary creation.

Publisher Review

Moss Hart I found Lajos Egri's book enormously interesting -- one of the best I have ever read.

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