If you’ve been in our shop, you know how much our staff love dogs. Two of the best things in life – dogs and books! Finally, we have discovered a way to combine the two:

Meet Nessa – like all booklovers, she loves nothing more than a cuddle and to listen to stories. Nessa is a trained and certified therapy dog through Therapy Dogs Nationwide, and is just about the calmest dog we have ever met. Nessa wants to hear what you have to say.

If you, your child or someone you know gets worried or nervous about reading aloud, finds it tricky sometimes to read the words or feels anxious in a shop or social space then spending some time with a gentle, calming, good listener like Nessa can really help. She is trained to put her new friend’s at ease, doesn’t judge and can help calm any nerves.

Reading to, stroking or even just being around a therapy dog has been proven to help build confidence and improve reading. If there’s one thing we are passionate about, it’s helping to spread the joy of books and bookshops by breaking down any barriers to reading.

Limited slots available so we advise booking early. If you have any specific requirements you’d like to talk through with us to make the visit as comfortable and beneficial to you as possible, please let us know. The sessions will be held in the children’s room at Mr B’s but if you would prefer a quieter space, it can be held in a smaller, less busy room upstairs. Sign up here!

Nessa and her lovely owner Sally are volunteers with an amazing charity called Therapy Dogs Nationwide who helped made this new venture possible. We are very grateful to them for giving up their time to spend it in our shop. We are hoping “Hey doggy, listen up!” will become a regular feature at Mr B’s so watch this space and please share with others you feel might benefit from meeting Nessa.