Bestselling fantasy author Jay Kristoff popped in to the shop this week to sign copies of Empire of the Vampire and the brand new follow-up, Empire of the Damned. Limited copies available – click below to grab yours!

Henry’s thoughts on Empire of the Vampire

“Ever since daysdeath, when the Sun did not rise, vampires have waged war and in the process created an empire of the dead.  Over twenty seven years that empire has expanded, blotting out the last vestiges of humanity.  

Now Gabriel de León, the last remaining silversaint, the order dedicated to hunting down creatures of the night, has been imprisoned.  This is where we join him, as he regales us with the stories of his past, of his glory in legendary battles, his lost faith, and of how he let’s humanity’s last hope, The Holy Grail, slip through his fingers.

This is one of those books where I was hooked immediately and have moved straight onto the sequel without hesitation.  Think Rothfuss but with significantly more bloodshed, foul language and where generally, good things don’t happen.  It’s great!”