Publication Date: 01/04/2020 ISBN: 9781912690879 Category:

Latin Rocks On

Sarah Rowley

Publisher: Unicorn Publishing Group
Publication Date: 01/04/2020 ISBN: 9781912690879 Category:


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Sarah Rowley is a passionate classicist who runs the Latin Rocks On Twitter account, translating popular song lyrics into Latin, from Marvin Gaye to Madonna, Take That to Taylor Swift . Latin may have earned an unfair reputation for being somewhat inaccessible.

With Latin Rocks On Sarah’s mission is to bring the language to new audiences in a more accessible and innovative way. Her Twitter account has followers from all over the world who love to test their knowledge and guess the correct songs.

quod tu velis, cara, id habeo… quod tu requiras, scisne quomodo ego id acceperim? rogo modo… paucam reverentiam.

What you want… Baby I got. (ooo) What you need (ooo) Do you know how I got it? All I’m asking for.. is a little respect.

Aretha Franklin, Respect

ego debeo habere fidem, ego debeo habere fidem. care, scio te rogare me ut maneam. dic, quaeso quaeso quaeso – noli abire!

‘Cause I gotta have faith, I gotta have faith. Baby! I know you’re asking me to stay. Say please please please don’t go away!

George Michael, Faith

tu es saltans regina, iuvenis et dulcis, modo septemdecim. saltans regina! senti modum tympani…

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen. Dancing queen! Feel the beat from the tambourine…

Abba, Dancing Queen

est haec vita vera? est simpliciter somnium? captivus in vortice non fugio a realitate..!

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality…!

Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody

ego sum vir missilis…et ego credo id futurum esse diu.

I’m a rocket man…and I think it’s gonna be a long, long time.

Elton John, Rocket Man

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